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The phenomenon of illegal racing Mat Rempit in Malaysia is no longer a strange phenomenon that occurs these days. This phenomenon seems to be more prevalent by the day. The phenomenon of 'Mat Rempit' does not exist in other countries, but there are behaviours of adolescents in some countries which have in common with this phenomenon in Malaysia . Mat Rempit in the English language recognized as ―hell riders. (Singh, 2016)


Mat Rempit considered from the eyes of the community as a group of aggressive, violent and wild. This can be seen when they perform various dangerous stunts while riding like a Willy, stand, lie down, and so on without thinking about the safety of oneself and others. They are performing these dangerous actions to express their prowess and courage. For these illegal racing Mat Rempit, they would be more excited if the roads are more dangerous such as sharp bends, racing against the flow and more. (Fazilatul Haida Hidzir, 2015)

The Mat Rempit menace has been with us for about 29 years, until today, the number of cases still rising. What is the main reason that this issue cannot be solved after so long?


They are not afraid of Law

The current laws to tackle Mat rempit are on Section 42 of the Road Transport Act on reckless and dangerous driving provides as follow :

  1. Any person who drives a motor vehicle on a road recklessly or at a speed or in a manner which having regard to all the circumstances (including the nature, condition and size of the road and the amount of traffic which is or might be expected to be on the road) is dangerous to the public shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years and to a fine of not less than five thousand ringgit and not more than fifteen thousand ringgit and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and to a fine of not less than ten thousand ringgit and not more than twenty thousand ringgit and...

  2. The court shall order particulars of any conviction under this section to be endorsed on any driving licence held by the person convicted. (Singh, 2016)

  3. A person convicted under this section shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for not less than two years from the date of the conviction and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, be disqualified for ten years from the time of the conviction. (Singh, 2016)

Above are the law that use to enforce illegal racer currently. However, the Mat Rempit cases remain increasing; this clearly shows that the law enforcement for the illegal race is not harsh enough to make the Mat Rempit afraid.


Mat Rempit can always getaway

The reason why people keep becoming Mat Rempit is that they can get away with it most of the time. Motorcycle are small, and they move between the cars in the highway quickly, this makes the police hard to catch them in once. As the Mat Rempit always moves in a group, they can notice the roadblock by police easily and split off quickly. Other than that, the police usually avoid playing the run and chase game to the illegal racer. This is to avoid causing traffic problem and prevent to make other road users fall in danger. (FMT Reporters, 2020)

Not all of them have driving license

In the law of Section 42, those who involved in Mat Rempit activities shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for not less than two years from the date of the conviction. But the law has miss that not all the Mat Rempits has a driving license, and they do not even bother to take the license examination, jump on the motorcycle and join the big group. Obviously, this act is not working to the illegal racer. (FMT Reporters, 2020)

They are a big group to manage

This year January (2020), police stopped 339 motorcyclists and 146 pillion riders along the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway in Penang. By following the law Section 42, all of them need to be fine RM 5,000, as those unable to pay will have to serve time in prison. (Singh, 2016) As we all know, the major of Mat Rempit come from the low-income group; they most probably will serve in prison. Police need a new jail, workforce, and extra pay for this group of people. (FMT Reporters, 2020) Besides, there are so many groups of Mat Rempit in Malaysia; keeping them in prison is not a durable plan as also a waste of money and workforce.


Overall, a short time cannot help them in becoming a Nation States self-transformation. Continuos involvements of from all parties needed without the barriers of time to build awareness among the Mat Rempit. (Fazilatul Haida Hidzir, 2015)Their skills are a waste to the country if not be guided and channelled in the right direction. The cooperation of all parties such as governments, NGOs, parents, community and corporate sector needed to guide them towards the objective. Various programs can design to raise self-esteem among the Mat Rempit so they can use the skills to develop the nation. (Fazilatul Haida Hidzir, 2015)Therefore, a study of New Typology of Motorcycle Community Centre is needed.


National Asset by CSR program. Corporate Social Responsibility.

FMT Reporters, 2020. FMT news. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 January 2020].

Singh, R., 2016. malaysiakini. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 Octorber 2016].

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